

Nearshoring, PEO & EOR

Nearshoring Boom in Mexico: Attracting Top Talent with Comprehensive Benefits

June 5, 2024

Recruitment & Hiring
Best Practices
Nearshoring Boom in Mexico: Attracting Top Talent with Comprehensive Benefits
With the arrival of new companies due to the nearshoring phenomenon, attracting talent will hinge on benefits, as comprehensive well-being is now a major motivator for employees.The Talent Shortage Survey conducted by Manpower reveals that in Mexico, 68% of employers have difficulty finding the profiles they need. In this context, companies setting up in Mexico will have to compete for talent, and the key will not only be in salary but also in the benefits that exceed the legal requirements.

Understanding the Legal Framework for Benefits

Martha Hernández, leader of Human Capital Consulting at AON Mexico, stated that among the main concerns of companies coming to our country is understanding the legal framework for benefits.

“While people go for salary, benefits also play an important role in turnover, not forgetting the organizational environment, culture, leadership, and ensuring that the employee develops favorably,” she explained. Additionally, companies must consider hybrid work schemes, as well as disruptive strategies for specialized positions due to talent demand, she said.

These will be valuable to the employee if organizations take into account their aspirations. “Listening to the employee and their aspirations has given way to disruptive benefits,” assured Martha Hernández.

Trends in Valuable Benefits

Among the trends in valuable benefits observed are:

  • Assistance for fertility treatments
  • Membership to technological platforms
  • Subsidy for elderly care
  • Sabbatical year
  • Support for adoption procedures
  • Pet insurance
  • Parking and financing for bicycles

Comprehensive Well-being of Employees

Israel Ramos, leader of the Health and Wellness practice at AON Mexico, indicated that well-being has become a fundamental piece for Human Capital, so companies that will settle in the country must consider it to attract the talent they need.

“Companies must ask themselves, what should I guarantee in terms of health and prevention for employees, and this must be with a comprehensive approach,” he said during the webinar Nearshoring: New Challenges and Opportunities, organized by AON.

In this regard, he explained the dimensions of health and well-being:

  • Emotional: Attitudes and reactions to daily life.
  • Physical: Ability to function with energy and make healthy decisions.
  • Work-life: Positive work experiences that produce pride, satisfaction, and value.
  • Social: Ability to thrive through meaningful relationships and connections.
  • Financial: Ability to confidently manage financial life while preparing for the future and any unexpected events.

The specialist clarified that these types of plans that aim to care for, educate, and prevent risks are medium-term schemes, perhaps five years.

Top 3 Cities for Nearshoring in Mexico


Photo by Ivan Guzman

Known for its industrial growth and strategic location near the U.S. border, Monterrey is a top choice for nearshoring. The city is renowned for its strong economic base, driven by industries such as manufacturing, steel production, and cement. Monterrey’s proximity to the United States allows for efficient logistics and supply chain management, making it an attractive option for companies looking to minimize transportation costs and time.

Monterrey boasts a highly skilled workforce, supported by prestigious institutions like the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM). These institutions produce graduates with expertise in engineering, business, and technology, ensuring a steady pipeline of qualified professionals.

The city's robust infrastructure includes well-developed transportation networks, modern industrial parks, and advanced telecommunications systems, which are essential for supporting large-scale manufacturing and technology operations. Monterrey also offers a high quality of life, with a variety of cultural, recreational, and educational opportunities, making it a desirable location for both companies and their employees.


Photo by Abraham

Often referred to as the "Silicon Valley of Mexico," Guadalajara is a hub for tech companies and startups. The city has cultivated a vibrant tech ecosystem, attracting major players such as IBM, Oracle, and Intel, as well as a multitude of innovative startups. Guadalajara’s dynamic environment is fueled by numerous universities and research institutions, which provide a steady stream of talent in fields like software development, engineering, and IT services.

The presence of technology clusters and incubators, such as the Guadalajara Software Center and Jalisco IT Cluster, fosters collaboration and innovation, creating a fertile ground for tech companies to thrive. Additionally, the city's strategic initiatives and government support for the tech sector have further solidified its reputation as a leading technology hub.

Guadalajara's appeal extends beyond its professional opportunities. The city is known for its rich cultural heritage, with a lively arts scene, vibrant festivals, and historical landmarks. Combined with its relatively low cost of living, these factors make Guadalajara an attractive destination for both businesses and talent.

Mexico City

Photo by Bhargava Marripati

As the capital and largest city of Mexico, Mexico City is a central hub for nearshoring, offering extensive opportunities across various industries. The city is a bustling economic powerhouse with a diverse range of sectors including finance, media, telecommunications, and technology. Its vast market and strategic location make it an appealing choice for companies looking to establish or expand their operations in Mexico.

Mexico City boasts a highly educated and skilled workforce, with numerous top-tier universities and educational institutions such as the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM) campus. These institutions produce a significant number of graduates in fields like engineering, IT, and business, ensuring a continuous supply of qualified talent.

The city's infrastructure is among the best in the country, featuring advanced telecommunications, extensive public transportation networks, and a large number of modern office spaces and industrial parks. Mexico City's international airports and connectivity facilitate global business operations and logistics.

In addition to its economic advantages, Mexico City offers a vibrant cultural scene with world-class museums, theaters, and restaurants. The city's rich history and diverse lifestyle options enhance its appeal for expatriates and local professionals alike. Despite its size and complexity, Mexico City’s blend of business opportunities and cultural richness makes it a top destination for nearshoring in Mexico.

Salary Considerations in Nearshoring

Before you start developing software through nearshoring, it's important to consider the issue of salaries. This is not only crucial for budgeting but also affects the quality of talent you can attract and retain.

When considering nearshoring opportunities, it's important to understand the prevailing wage structures and economic conditions in the target region. This will help you make informed decisions when setting competitive yet sustainable salary levels. Adapting to the salary norms of the nearshore location can significantly impact the success of the project, including factors like employee satisfaction, turnover rates, and the quality of the work.

Properly compensating the software development team is essential for building a motivated and skilled workforce. However, it's also important to balance this with the cost advantages of nearshoring. Finding this balance is crucial for planning and executing a successful nearshoring strategy in the software development industry.

Salary Ranges for Software Development Roles in Mexico

  • Junior Software Developer: $25,000 - $40,000 MXN per month
  • Mid-level Software Developer: $40,000 - $60,000 MXN per month
  • Senior Software Developer: $60,000 - $90,000 MXN per month
  • Software Architect: $90,000 - $120,000 MXN per month
  • Project Manager: $70,000 - $100,000 MXN per month
  • UX Designer: $35,000 - $60,000 MXN per month
  • UI Designer: $30,000 - $55,000 MXN per month
  • Business Developer: $40,000 - $70,000 MXN per month
  • QA Engineer: $30,000 - $50,000 MXN per month
  • DevOps Engineer: $50,000 - $80,000 MXN per month

Why Axented is a Great Partner to Consider

At Axented, we understand the complexities of setting up operations in a new country. Our expertise in the Mexican market and deep understanding of tech nearshoring make us an ideal partner. Here’s why you should consider Axented:

  • Local Expertise: We have a profound knowledge of the local market, legal requirements, and cultural nuances, ensuring smooth and compliant operations.
  • Talent Acquisition: Our robust recruitment processes and extensive network help you attract and retain top talent, tailored to your specific needs.
  • Comprehensive Benefits: We design benefits packages that go beyond the basics, focusing on the holistic well-being of employees to enhance satisfaction and retention.
  • Strategic Locations: With a presence in key nearshoring cities, we offer strategic advantages that align with your business goals.
  • Custom Solutions: We provide tailored solutions that address your unique challenges, ensuring you get the most out of your nearshoring strategy.


Photo by Mizuno K

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