

Job Opportunities & Remote Work

How do I hire an employee in Mexico?

January 5, 2022

Best Practices
Recruitment & Hiring
Job Opportunities & Remote Work
How do I hire an employee in Mexico?
If you are thinking about hiring in Mexico, the following post is a perfect starting point; it will help you quickly and efficiently scale up your team.

If you are deciding or thinking about hiring in Mexico, then the following article is a perfect starting point; it will help answer  "how do I hire an employee" but also provide relevant information that may be required. Most importantly, have a clear view of what is needed for your business to grow and scale in Mexico.

Many companies that want to expand their business into new markets need a PEO (Professional Employer Organization) in the country they wish to operate in to build a quick local presence and improve their chances of success. Businesses that open with a PEO in other countries quickly realize that it's more productive, cost-efficient, and generally faster.

By hiring and working with the right PEO partner, you'll be able to hire and manage your employees in no time. A PEO makes you have one vendor and one relationship that will take care of HR Management, Unemployment Management, Employer Taxes, Payroll, Employee Benefits, Retirement Plans, Local Compliance, HR Strategy, Reimbursements, and Workers' Compensation.

However, it is essential first to identify which company is best suited to be your PEO partner and, most importantly, how to choose the right one.

Mexico is an excellent country to partner up with a PEO because of its access to great talent. Talent in Mexico and Latin America easily gels culturally with most North American teams, and they are in similar time zones. Also, tech talent is already used to working remotely, and most of them prefer this modality.

So, where to start?

1) Put together the PEO companies specialized in Mexico or LATAM.

2) Analyze PEO company's fees; you should look for transparent pricing.

3) Compare average industry rates for tech talent.

4) Make a list of pros and cons.

5) Meet them and make sure the companies your needs.

How can Axented's platforms help you hire your perfect team in Mexico?

Our platforms specialize in finding and managing your talent. We co-recruit your team depending on your tech stack. We do candidate sourcing and vetting, client and candidate co-interviews, and team member onboarding. After you hire them, our platform will also help you manage your team, from managing payroll, employee benefits, team onboarding, reimbursements, and local compliance.

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